Movember Moustache of the Month Mark Haney Prostate Cancer
Moustache of the MonthImage by: Mark Haney
Movember Moustache of the Month Mark Haney Prostate Cancer
1 September 2021

My Dad’s Final Years

2 minutes read time

My Dad, Forrest Haney, passed away from prostate cancer on July 13, 2021 at the age of 71. While our family could choose to focus on the negative aspects of prostate cancer and the inevitable outcome that so many, unfortunately know all too well, in light of National Prostate Cancer Awareness month, I’d like to reminisce about what the continued improvements in cancer treatment gave my Dad for many years.

For over 12 years following his prostatectomy in 2008, my Dad lived a relatively normal lifestyle, largely due to the research and treatments he received from his medical teams at the University of Chicago and Northwestern Medicine (partially funded by the Movember Foundation). During those 12 plus years, my Dad was able to (among other things):

  • Continue to pass on his knowledge to his 3 children (and their spouses) and watch them mature into self-sustaining members of society
  • Complete a trip to Alaska, his last state to visit. He and my mom enjoyed a 2 week land and sea tour in 2018
  • Go on numerous annual family vacations to Wisconsin and Michigan with his children and their families
  • Give back to his community through various outreach programs through his church
  • Continue to play basketball multiple times per week with his friends at the YMCA
  • Enjoy 43+ years of marriage to his loving wife (my Mom)
  • Attend his youngest son’s wedding in February 2020
  • Witness the birth of his 6 grandchildren, including our first child in November 2020

Much of which would not have been possible without Movember and continued support from the Movember community.

Thank you all for continuing to support such a worthy cause! Our family will continue to do the same, in the hopes that others get to experience even just a fraction of the cherished moments that we spent with my Dad in his final years.

Mo on!