Team Dash


Target: $30,000
Amount raised last year: $12,592
Our Motivation

Our motivation is our friend, John McGeary, and all others like him who felt that suicide was their only answer. John was a strong, happy, friendly, eager to help anybody, husband, dad, brother, uncle and son. While he had no shortage of friends to talk to, he was a stubborn Irishman and never easily asked for help. Whether it was depression, or anxiety, or both, asking for help may have made a difference for John and all those who still struggle with the decision he made.

So our motivation is simple. It is to make a difference in the lives of others. It is to make "talking mental" trendy. This month, in particular, it is to help men understand that we all have struggles and it is OK to talk about it. Let's make sure our men understand that it is OK to share their feelings, ask for help, and give themselves a break.

333 / 5000 miles
Team Feed

Write your comment here

19 Week(s) Ago

Recently, I’ve lost sight of my true purpose behind doing this. During this hectic time that is lacrosse season, I’ve allowed myself to get caught up in the raising money side of things. And while the money is certainly important, even more important to me is being consistent in my messages and helping increase the awareness that mental health struggles and suicide, especially in men and teens, are at alarmingly high levels.

After about a 2.5 year hiatus, I’ve begun seeing a therapist again, and I’ve really been enjoying my sessions because he really pushes me to think about difficult questions. He also does his best to not share what his thoughts are so that I can come to conclusions on my own. Most recently, in regards to teaching and coaching, he posed the questions “What do you get out of teaching/coaching?” and “Why does it matter to you if your students/players succeed?”

I’ll be honest, I’ve had to think about those questions a little more that I feel like I should. I’m either trying to be very intentional with my answers, or I’m scared of saying the wrong thing, a theme that has come up a lot in our discussions. Am I reading too much into it? Have the frustrations of the seemingly more and more immature students gotten to me over the last 2 years versus the first 2? Have students always been like this and coming into this career during Covid didn’t allow me a true test of the waters?

Whatever the reason for not being able to answer those questions clearly me be, there is one thing I’m sure of. You will be hearing more from me as I continue to train for the Berlin marathon, where I will be representing Movember with a charity bib. I know that in being consistent and sharing my training and personal life updates I can continue to build a following and reach the goals I’ve set in front of me.

19 Week(s) Ago

Recently, I’ve lost sight of my true purpose behind doing this. During this hectic time that is lacrosse season, I’ve allowed myself to get caught up in the raising money side of things. And while the money is certainly important, even more important to me is being consistent in my messages and helping increase the awareness that mental health struggles and suicide, especially in men and teens, are at alarmingly high levels.

After about a 2.5 year hiatus, I’ve begun seeing a therapist again, and I’ve really been enjoying my sessions because he really pushes me to think about difficult questions. He also does his best to not share what his thoughts are so that I can come to conclusions on my own. Most recently, in regards to teaching and coaching, he posed the questions “What do you get out of teaching/coaching?” and “Why does it matter to you if your students/players succeed?”

I’ll be honest, I’ve had to think about those questions a little more that I feel like I should. I’m either trying to be very intentional with my answers, or I’m scared of saying the wrong thing, a theme that has come up a lot in our discussions. Am I reading too much into it? Have the frustrations of the seemingly more and more immature students gotten to me over the last 2 years versus the first 2? Have students always been like this and coming into this career during Covid didn’t allow me a true test of the waters?

Whatever the reason for not being able to answer those questions clearly me be, there is one thing I’m sure of. You will be hearing more from me as I continue to train for the Berlin marathon, where I will be representing Movember with a charity bib. I know that in being consistent and sharing my training and personal life updates I can continue to build a following and reach the goals I’ve set in front of me.

19 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Olympus Gives Gift Matchng Lorrie Sheets
19 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Olympus Gives Gift Matchng Lorrie Sheets
35 Week(s) Ago
John McGeary: I ran 3.25 mi00:33:35

35 Week(s) Ago
John McGeary: I ran 3.25 mi00:33:35

36 Week(s) Ago
John McGeary: I ran 5.5 mi00:49:11

36 Week(s) Ago
John McGeary: I ran 5.5 mi00:49:11

Previous year's activities
38 Week(s) Ago
Madeline Quirk: I cycled 00:33:14

Previous year's posts
38 Week(s) Ago
Madeline Quirk: I cycled 00:33:14

39 Week(s) Ago
Rob Paradise: I cycled 11.41 km01:54:19

39 Week(s) Ago
Rob Paradise: I cycled 11.41 km01:54:19

39 Week(s) Ago
Grace Sullivan: I walked 2.94 km00:35:54

39 Week(s) Ago
Grace Sullivan: I walked 2.94 km00:35:54

39 Week(s) Ago
Rob Paradise: I cycled 5.91 km01:00:05

39 Week(s) Ago
Rob Paradise: I cycled 5.91 km01:00:05

39 Week(s) Ago
Grace Sullivan: I worked out 00:33:17

39 Week(s) Ago
Grace Sullivan: I worked out 00:33:17

39 Week(s) Ago
Grace Sullivan: I worked out 00:18:24

39 Week(s) Ago
Grace Sullivan: I worked out 00:18:24

39 Week(s) Ago
Madeline Quirk: I worked out 00:51:10

39 Week(s) Ago
Madeline Quirk: I worked out 00:51:10

39 Week(s) Ago
Rob Paradise: I walked 4.83 km01:00:00

39 Week(s) Ago
Rob Paradise: I walked 4.83 km01:00:00

39 Week(s) Ago
Madeline Quirk: I walked .75 km00:11:59

39 Week(s) Ago
Madeline Quirk: I walked .75 km00:11:59

39 Week(s) Ago
Madeline Quirk: I worked out 00:52:21

39 Week(s) Ago
Madeline Quirk: I worked out 00:52:21

39 Week(s) Ago
Rob Paradise: I walked 4.82 km00:45:29

39 Week(s) Ago
Rob Paradise: I walked 4.82 km00:45:29

39 Week(s) Ago
Rob Paradise: I walked 4.83 km00:45:00

39 Week(s) Ago
Rob Paradise: I walked 4.83 km00:45:00

39 Week(s) Ago
Grace Sullivan: I worked out 01:16:30

39 Week(s) Ago
Grace Sullivan: I worked out 01:16:30

39 Week(s) Ago
Madeline Quirk: I ran 4.86 km00:31:22

39 Week(s) Ago
Madeline Quirk: I ran 4.86 km00:31:22

39 Week(s) Ago
Madeline Quirk: I worked out 00:48:27

39 Week(s) Ago
Madeline Quirk: I worked out 00:48:27

39 Week(s) Ago
Madeline Quirk: I cycled 00:53:26

39 Week(s) Ago
Madeline Quirk: I cycled 00:53:26

39 Week(s) Ago
Rob Paradise: I walked 4.86 km00:45:40

39 Week(s) Ago
Grace Sullivan: I walked 2.74 km02:26:09

Previous year's donations
41 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Jackie Becattini
42 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Emme Ahn
43 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Michelle Berman

We love and miss you John McGeary. How proud you must be of your beautiful, strong and determined family making a difference in your honor and loving memory. ❤️

43 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Ahn Family
43 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Kathleen LaBricciosa

In loving memory of John. I love you and miss you everyday brother ☘️

44 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Lisa Hersh
44 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Jane Ingle
44 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Kristen Scrak
45 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Sylvia Pituch Pituch

Always holding the McGeary family close. You many never even know who it is you are helping.

45 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Lorrie Sheets
45 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Tom Garrity
45 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Jackie Hunt
45 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Brooke Scrak
45 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Christine Duborg
45 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Catherine Frans
45 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
James Gentry
45 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
an anonymous supporter

In memory of John McGeary and in support of the McGeary Family

45 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Bonnie Heydt
45 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Cheryl Kusko
Previous year's posts
253 Week(s) Ago

$20,322!! Another goal achieved! Let's go for $25,000, but if we don't get there, know how incredibly blessed I feel to be surrounded by so much love and support and how proud I am of the efforts of our 87 PERSON TEAM (and growing)!!! I am so grateful for the community of friends who are supporting this effort, and those in crisis, as teammates and/or donors. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined this kind of success in 10 short days. Thank you Team Dash and friends!

253 Week(s) Ago

Hello Team Dash!!
Every day I look at this page I am more blown away than the day before. YOU PEOPLE ROCK!!!

FYI, we are now 80 people strong! 80 people!!!

Take the time to put your face to your page. I love seeing the faces and the connections to one another.

Keep an eye out for an upcoming post. We are going to walk in the Lehigh Parkway on November 16th (Mid-Movember Dash) and we will gather for a bike ride/tour from Allentown to Easton on Sunday, November 24th!

Keep on living your "dash" to the fullest! Love you guys.

253 Week(s) Ago

Whether you have donated money, signed up to MOVE, or just encouraged someone, YOU ARE APPRECIATED!
In 6 short days:
* We are 65 members strong!
* We have raised $14, 562!
* We are the #4 fundraising team in the US!
* We are the #15 fundraising team in the world!
Keep moving! Make sure to LOG YOUR MOVEMENT on your page. The Movember folks say to run or walk, but our team recognizes running, walking, biking, yoga, Barre, meditation, dancing and any other form of movement that makes your mind happy. Assign the number of miles you feel appropriate for your movement, and be sure to log what you have done.

254 Week(s) Ago

Team Dash!
I'm not sure where this is going to post, so I am trying it out before Day 1 on Friday. Never, ever, ever have I felt more love, support and a sense of TEAM than I do right now. The big guy is definitely smiling. We are 55 Hours In.
41 Team Mates!
Goal raised to $10,000!!!
We have raised $6,891!
Number "23" team in the Movember World
Number "10" in the United States. Can I hear an "AMEN!"
Let's shoot for #1 in the US!
Keep an eye out for tomorrow's post. I will share more stats and some ideas to keep us moving! We are strong, we have each other, and together we can do anything. Go Team Dash!

Note: As donations can be made privately, not all donations are displayed to the public.