You’ve worked hard growing your Mo this Movember, now be sure you make it count! We know turning in cash, check, and gift matching donations can be tricky, but here are some tips to make things simple.
Sending in Cash or Check Donations
Friends and family can donate to your Movember efforts in three ways.
1. The easiest way for donors to support your moustache and your efforts to change the face of men’s health is to donate directly to your Mo Space using a credit card. They can search for your name or your team and make a secure, online donation.
2. Donors who opt for the old school route can mail in a check made out to ‘Movember.’ Don’t forget to include your member ID number or team name in the memo line. You can find your official Movember ID number in the ‘Your Campaign Info’ section on the right column of your Mo Space page. Mail checks to:
PO Box 1595
Culver City, CA 90232
3. Some of your friends may want you to do all the work and just give you cash (or a check) directly. Please do not send cash in the mail! Here’s how to do it:
When donors do not need a receipt: Collect and add up all cash and check donations you’ve received and pay the lump sum with an online, credit card donation directly from the Submit Cash Donations section of your Mo Space.
You can also download, complete, and mail-in a donation form with any checks or money orders. Whenever you mail something in, make sure to reference your Member ID number so donations go to your fundraising total.
PO Box 1595
Culver City, CA 90232
When donors need a receipt: Be sure to fill out a separate donation form, found in the right column of your Mo Space page, for each person’s donation. And then – you know the drill – submit each separate donation form directly from your Mo Space or download, complete, and mail-in each donation form with any checks or money orders to:
PO Box 1595
Culver City, CA 90232
Double Your Donation with Corporate Gift Matching
Ask donors if their employer (or ask if your own employer) will gift match the amount of their donation to Movember. Many companies encourage charitable giving among their employees by doubling or tripling a donation through gift matching programs.
Movember has helped many companies set up their gift matching programs. If you’re employer isn’t already in our database of gift-matchers, contact your HR team, present them with the Movember gift matching form, and help them see the power of the Mo. As an added bonus, companies that match $5,000 or more of its employees’ efforts will be placed on our Gift Matching page, proudly displaying their company’s logo and a link to their website for the Mo community to see.
If your company isn’t matching, but would like to donate funds to your Mo-growing cause, not to worry, they can still make a donation! All it takes to make a company donation is to fill in the fields for Donor First and Last Name with the name of the business (just ensure that both fields are filled). You’re company will receive a tax receipt issued in that name. For additional information regarding matching gifts company-wide, please e-mail alana@movember.com.
If you’ve got any questions, Mo HQ is here to help! Contact us and we’re happy to walk you through this process and simplify things for you. Info.us@movember.com or (310) 450-3399.